moving on quotes biography
Life can hit hard. It can feel like a ton of bricks. Maybe it's a job loss. Maybe this is amazing news. Maybe the loss of a loved one. It may be a series of unfortunate events. Maybe your world upside down.
Whatever steps may be difficult. In fact, one of the most difficult things in the world is in motion. If you've ever inconsolable, you know what I mean.
People can tell you to get over it. I can tell you, just move on with your life. You may even want to. But then you're stuck. Or you may find yourself floundering. Or you may find yourself numb.
This is where some of the best voices in the world come to play. Want to make a phoenix and rise from the ashes, or need to recover after going down for the count, or just want to find any way... moving on quotes can be your best friend.
My gift to you this profound collection of quotes about moving on. You'll find insight and inspiration from Bruce Lee, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Gandhi, and many others. Find three quotes from the collection below. We believe, and play them in your mind when you need them....
Whatever steps may be difficult. In fact, one of the most difficult things in the world is in motion. If you've ever inconsolable, you know what I mean.
People can tell you to get over it. I can tell you, just move on with your life. You may even want to. But then you're stuck. Or you may find yourself floundering. Or you may find yourself numb.
This is where some of the best voices in the world come to play. Want to make a phoenix and rise from the ashes, or need to recover after going down for the count, or just want to find any way... moving on quotes can be your best friend.
My gift to you this profound collection of quotes about moving on. You'll find insight and inspiration from Bruce Lee, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Gandhi, and many others. Find three quotes from the collection below. We believe, and play them in your mind when you need them....
moving on quotes
moving on quotes
moving on quotes
moving on quotes
moving on quotes
moving on quotes
moving on quotes
moving on quotes
moving on quotes
moving on quotes
moving on quotes
moving on quotes
moving on quotes
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moving on quotes
moving on quotes
moving on quotes
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moving on quotes

moving on quotes