Emo love quotes biography
I was living a mental and emotional hell I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. After experiencing the unexpected death of my fourteen-year old son, Blease in 1995, my life as I knew it no longer existed. Prior to his death,
I had experienced an explosion of personal and professional growth as I created my management career with Marriott Hotels. With committed effort and the help of many mentors along the way, I worked my way up from an hourly position into a management with Marriott's Courtyard division, eventually landing a GM's position with its Fairfield Inn division in 1995. I celebrated the fact that I had beaten the odds that seemed against me as a teenage mother. Six months after my promotion, my son died. Nothing in my past prepared me for the emotional rollercoaster my life would travel as a result of my son's death. My life seemed to nosedive.
When I crashed, I felt like a boxer laid out on the canvas by a sucker punch. Slow to get up, I pulled over to the sidelines and became a spectator of life. I felt lost without a specific purpose or plan for my life. With no passion or zeal for life, my drive and persistent mentality fizzled into complacency and the acceptance of the "status quo". I wandered in a spiritual wilderness, camping out at Mt. Misery and began to major in daily "pity parties". There I remained until 2001, when the birth of my godchild, Jamya provided me with the opportunity quotes to give and receive unconditional love. During the first twelve months of Jamya's life,
I became absorbed in every new phase of her development. My observations of her ability to learn how to smile, turn over, crawl, hold a bottle, sit up, pull herself up and stand eventually stumbling her way into walking and running became moments of celebrations. Along the way, the love we shared began to slowly tear down the wall I had built around my heart as a result of my son's death.
Throughout her first year of life,
I often pondered if I could regain the fortitude Jamya displayed as a baby to press past the mental and emotional barriers that seemed to have held my life in shackles. Could I, like Jamya, learn how to get up and move on with my life? I was in a place of quiet desperation. Jamya's life was in perpetual motion. Sitting on the sidelines as a spectator was not nor could it move my life forward. I had to figure out how to get back in the driver seat of my life.
Emo love quotes and sayings |
Emo love quotes and sayings |
Emo love quotes and sayings |
Emo love quotes and sayings |
Emo love quotes and sayings |
Emo love quotes and sayings |
Emo love quotes and sayings |
Emo love quotes and sayings |
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