famous love quotes biography
You know when you've found it 'cause you feel it when they take it away."It's the way I miss you even before you leave."Never in a million years did I think I'd find someone so utterly and completely perfect, someone who would make me happier than I ever dreamed I could be, someone that would touch my life so
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profoundly and just give me a whole new reason to breathe. But then I found you and realized that everything I anticipated you to be doesn't even compare to who you are.""No matter how far apart we are, you will always be in my heart""Things that are easily acquired, obtained, or maintained, without any effort or sacrifice lack value...it's human nature."famous love quotes"Love togetherOr apartMy love for youLives in my heartAnd in this loveOur souls entwineForever together Yours and mine- Tiffanie Chalfantwritten for Darrel StockettOn a quiet night when I'm alone,I think of you until break of dawnI miss your face, I miss your smileI haven't seen it in a whileI close my eyes so I can seeThe memories of you and meThe love and laughs that we have shared
And all the times that you have spared.
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